How to crochet rope stitch


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The days go by as we leave summer behind and look face to face with autumn. That precious season that gives us the chance to wear not quite winter clothes, but openwork with fine yarn that warms you just enough on those cool days. Today we’ll show you a perfect stitch for some cardigans that we will soon release: the crochet rope stitch.

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For this tutorial, we’re using one skein of The Baby Alpaca and one of our5 mm crochet hook.

Before we dive into the subject, here’s a list of the stitches that we will use throughout this post in case you need to quickly review any:

Let’s get started!

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Begin by working an even number of chains.

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Beginning row: 1 double crochet in the 5th chain from the hook. 1 chain and 1 double crochet in the next chain. *Skip 1 chain, 1 double crochet in the next chain, 1 chain and 1 double crochet in the next chain*. Repeat from * to * until there is 1 chain left, 1 double crochet. Turn the work.

Row 1: chain 3 turning chains. *In the next chain space from the previous row, 1 double crochet, 1 chain, 1 double crochet.* Repeat from * to * until you reach the turning chains from the previous row. 1 double crochet in the third chain.

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Continue working row 1 as many times as needed to reach the total length of your work.

Imagen: foto-7.jpg

We hope that this quick tutorial on how to crochet the rope stitch has been very useful and that you will use it soon in your upcoming projects. We’d be so happy if you shared them with us on social media using the hashtag #weareknitters. Until next time!

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