
(photo 1)

For this post we have prepared the following: we teach you how to make a petal with a crochet hook so you can decorate any of the garments you make.

This pattern can be used to decorate a hem, to decorate a project made with a single stitch (a simple crocheted blanket, for example) to give your projects an original touch, or to create decorative borders. You can also play with this pattern and make several petals in a row, separate them by leaving spaces in between, or spread them over several rows.

To get started you need to know how to:

(photo 2)

For this example we used

In the tutorial you will see that after making the foundation chain, we crocheted two rows of half double crochet before starting the pattern. Once you have crocheted the first two rows we start with the petals. You will also see that between each one we are going to skip a stitch to leave a bit of space between them and make each petal stand out more.

Let’s start with the first petal:

(photo 3)

Step 1. Yarn over and insert your hook into the first stitch. When your hook comes out the back, yarn over and pull your hook out again. You will have 3 loops on the hook.

(photo 4)

Step 2. Yarn over again and insert your hook into the same stitch as the previous step. Yarn over and pull your hook out through the stitch. Now you will have 5 loops on the hook.

(photo 5)

Step 3. Repeat step 2 again so that you will have 7 loops on the hook.

Step 4. Yarn over again and pull your hook through all 7 loops left on the hook.

(photo 6)

Step 5. Chain 1 and skip a stitch before beginning the next petal.

Here is a video tutorial so you watch how it’s done step by step.

Now that you have seen how to make petals, grab some yarn and a hook and get started. Once you get started and see the results you’ll want to keep learning how to crochet patterns to decorate everything you can think of.

Like we always say, get going and show us your creations on #WeAreKnitters so we can see your works of art.

We like to see your projects because we feel a part of them!!

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