How to knit chevron stitch


Chevron stitch is one of the most versatile stitches that you can find in the knitting world. You can use it to make everything from a scarf to a baby blanket to a knitted garment—you decide how you like it best!

Getting the shape of the “arrow” is simple, and you’ll have no problem knitting it even if you’re a beginner.

Imagen: foto-2.jpg

For this tutorial, we’re using a skein of our Pima Cotton and 5 mm knitting needles.

Before beginning, here’s a list of stitches that you should be familiar with J

Let’s begin!

Imagen: foto-3.jpg

Start by casting on a multiple of 14 stitches + 2.

Imagen: foto-4.jpg

Row 1: Purl all stitches

Imagen: foto-5.jpg

Row 2: knit 1, knit 1 through the back loop then through the front to increase 1, knit 4, SKPO, knit 2 together, knit 4. *Knit 1 through the back loop then through the front to increase 1, knit 1 through the back loop then through the front to increase 1, knit 4, SKPO, knit 2 together, knit 4*. Repeat from * to * until there are 2 stitches left, knit 1 through the back loop then through the front to increase 1, knit 1.

Imagen: foto-6.jpg

To continue working this stitch, repeat the last two rows. If you have any questions, take a look at the following video so you can see the stitch step by step:

Imagen: foto-7.jpg

If you liked this stitch, you can learn so many more knitting and crochet techniques with our tutorials and videos, and if you are looking for a new project, we also have tons of free patterns for you. Remember to share your progress with us using the hashtag #weareknitters on social media!

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