How to make elevations with the slip stitch



There are many ways to embellish our garments using easy stitches, because often you don’t need to overcomplicate to achieve an original effect. In this post we will show you how to make a small decorative elevation with the slip stitch.


Materials needed

The difficulty level is easy, since you only need to know how to slip stitch.

To start, we have made a swatch in double crochet.

Step 1: insert the hook wherever you want to start the embellishment, pick the strand of yarn and pull it to the front.


Step 2: insert the hook into the next stitch, pick the strand again, pull it to the front, and then through the strand on your hook. You now have a slip stitch.


Step 3: continue working this way until you finish decorating your project.

This video will show you better how to start this stitch:

Now the limit is up to you. You can see another example of this stitch in our post “What to do with leftover cotton: colorful coasters”.

Go ahead and make elevations with the slip stitch and share with us with #WeAreKnitters on social networks. We are waiting to see all your creativity.

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