
(Photo 1)

For today we prepared something simple that you are going to love. The diagonal stripes stitch is easy to do and looks great whether as the base stitch or as a cast off for a garment. You can knit a large variety of garments using this stitch with the advantage that it is reversible, the pattern will be the same so, for example, if you knit a scarf you won’t have to check that you are putting it on right, either side is fine. Very practical, isn’t it?

(Photo 2)

Today’s challenge is very easy and no matter what level knitter you are you can do it.

We cast on 39 stitches and we used:

 You should know how to:

To make this stitch remember these two things:

  1. Cast on a multiple of 3 stitches since the stitches will be worked in groups of 3.
  • Even rows should be worked as stitches appear, this means if the stitch you are going to work is a knit stitch you have to knit it, if it is a purl stitch, you have to purl it.

Let’s get started.

(Photo 3)

Row 1. *Knit 3 and purl 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

(Photo 4)

Row 3. Purl 1. *Knit 3 and purl 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

(Photo 5)

Row 5. Purl 2. *Knit 3 and purl 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

(Photo 6)

Row 7. *Purl 3 and knit 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

As you can see, the pattern shifts in each row as you alternate groups of knit stitches and purl stitches.

(Photo 7)

Row 9. Knit 1. *Purl 3 and knit 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

(Photo 8)

Row 11. Knit 2. *Purl 3 and knit 3*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

Row 13. Repeat the pattern that we started with row 1 and continue doing the same until you finish your project.

As you continue to work with your wool and your needles you will be able to see the pattern more clearly. What do you think? Just like we told you at the beginning of this post, knitting diagonal stripes is an easy technique that you can use for many creations, so go for it and get started. At #WeAreKnitters we are waiting for you to share your work to see how it came out. Go for it and tell us about it.

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